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About Us

FOODFELLAS 4 YOU is a venture started by a passionate imaginative home-cook RUCHI AIREN who endeavors to make you rethink, reimagine and reinvent food in today’s contemporary context! The vision behind Foodfellas 4 is to introduce you to the pleasures of both traditional & new-age home-style cooking in accordance with changing lifestyles. Also as our kids grow, we need to be able to provide nutritious home cooked meals according to their changing sensibilities. FOODFELLAS 4 YOU helps you reinvent popular fav in their healthy avatars.

At FOODFELLAS 4 YOU, you will find an organized RECIPE INDEX of simple recipes that are easy, doable and work with your busy lifestyles. Apart from being delicious, they keep cooking fun and creative and also weigh in the healthy quotient.

When you enter our domain it will help you rethink the way you look at food. Good food need not be a guilty pleasure that one occasionally indulges in. With our imaginative recipes you can have the best of both the worlds….flavor and nutrition. So come join the FOODFELLAS 4 YOU community and awaken your inner creative cook!

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Welcome to my website. What you see here is a reflection of my culinary journey over more than 25 years. Spreading the love for food is my greatest joy, my purpose in life. I have many people to thank for helping me on. Family, friends, aunts, uncles and all of you out there…whose encouragement, support and well-wishes inspire me on a daily basis.

However a special mention to the 3 most important ones. My mom & dad, one being my first teacher and the other whose discerning genes are the reason I stand here today. The other is my dear husband whose gentle persuasion helped open a whole world of exciting flavors from all over the world. Together they have helped form my culinary identity!

Further I would like to share my vision behind this endeavor. For many of us caught in the struggle of juggling demands of school, career & family, the essential task of learning to cook is getting left behind. Very often, cooking gets relegated to the pages of cookery books which are frantically thumbed to come up with magical solutions.

However cooking is no involved science. All you need is a basic knowledge of ingredients, the will to experiment and an ability to learn from your mistakes. Hey, doesn’t that sound like the recipe of LIFE itself! So friends, open your hearts and your minds to the simple pleasures of cooking. Your endeavors may not always turn out as your recipes promise, but each experiment will take you a little further in your culinary journey enriching you and helping you pay it forward by passing it on to the next generation!

Ruchi Airen

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