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Multigrain Applechini Paranthe!

Apple picking is a wonderful Fall activity, that we love to indulge as a family! However, many a times we tend to get carried away….

This season we came back with about 18 pound apples! Decided to CHALLANGE myself with how I could creatively use these apples!
One such way was….these Multigrain Applechini Paranthe!

Make dough using multigrain floor and grated apple, using absolutely no water. Divide the dough into small balls. Take one ball of dough, roll it out into a circle. Set it aside. Take another ball of dough roll it out into a circle, sprinkle some cinnamon sugar. Cover with the first circle of dough. Press to seal sides. Roll out into an even thin Parantha. Shallow fry on hot tava….serve hot with mango pickle!

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