How to make Sprouts

Step by step Sprout making simplified!


Sprouting lentils, black chick peas or methi seeds increases their food value many times. You can eat them raw or lightly steamed as you like.
I love to start my day with a bowlful of raw tender methi sprouts or use moong sprouts raw in salads and coleslaw. I use them in cooking as a crunchy addition to oriental stir frys or even a sprouted version of Alu Methi. Once lightly steamed, they can make a delicious healthy bhel or even be used as stuffing for sandwiches.

However many of us find this process troublesome, as the soaked seeds start to smell and rot or worse still start to grow fungus on them!
But making sprouts is a fairly straightforward exercise involving a series of simple steps over a period of 4-5 days. If these steps are followed carefully and diligently over this period, you will definitely be rewarded with a handsome crop of beautiful long sprouts that you will be proud of!
Process Courtesy: Mom-in-law
And for recipes using sprouts, follow the link below!
The seeds…
I’ve used Methi,
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And moong dal. There are two types available in the market. One quality is much larger than the other. I prefer to use the larger variety.
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Irrespective of what seed you are trying to sprout. The process remains more or less the same and it takes about 4-5 days, depending on the climatic conditions and how long you want them to grow.

Step-by-step process…
Day 1, night: Wash seeds, soak in water.
Add enough water to allow for the seeds to swell and still remain soaked in water.
For moong dal (or even Kala Chana) you need to add even more water, as they absorb a lot of water in the soaking.
Cover with lid, keep overnight.
Day 2, morning: drain water, you will observe that the seeds have soaked up considerable water and have increased in size.
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Cover with damp paper towel/cloth.
Day 2, afternoon (optional): Soak seeds in water for 2-3 minutes to hydrate,
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drain using a wire strainer/colander. Cover with damp cloth.
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Day 2, night: Repeat this process at night just before you retire for the night.

Day 3 morning: Soak seeds in water for 2-3 minutes to hydrate,
Skim off any green husks from moong dal that you see floating on top.
Drain using a wire strainer/colander. Cover with damp cloth.
Day 3, afternoon (optional): Repeat above process
Day 3, night: Repeat this process at night just before you retire for the night.

By Day 4 your moong sprouts will grow considerably in length.
Soak sprouts in water. Lift sprouts gently shaking off all excess water…and they are now ready to be used.
Store in an air tight container and refrigerate. They will easily last 4-5 days in the fridge.

However, for the methi sprouts, we will continue the process for 1 more day.

Day 4 morning: Soak seeds in water for 2-3 minutes to hydrate, drain using a wire strainer/colander. Cover with damp cloth.
Day 4, afternoon (optional): Repeat above process
Day 4, night: Repeat this process at night just before you retire for the night.
By end of day 4 methi sprouts will have also grown considerably in length, and you will see tiny green leaves peeping out from some of your sprouts.
By Day 5, your methi sprouts will grow even longer,
Wash and drain completely.
Gently pick up sprouts, by the handful and transfer to container.
Any un-sprouted seeds at the bottom, can be discarded.
You will now observe that tiny green leaves peeping out from most of your sprouts and they are now ready to be used.
Store in an air tight container and refrigerate.
You can also use zip lock bags to store your sprouts.
They will easily last 4-5 days in the fridge.

Related link:


  1. @Ruchi: A big thanks to your mother-in-law and you for sharing this valuable post. I have never seen pulses sprouting so long, reminds me of Jack’s magic beans. 🙂 I will definitely try your method and find out how the magic works.

  2. sooper thanks for the recipe